What is more beautiful than floating smoothly and silently in the sky, relying solely on aerodynamic forces. When gliding in the air, inhale deeply, relax and absorb the most extraordinary moments. No previous experience is required. A pilot, licenced by the Federal Office of Civil Aviation, is guiding you securely through the air. After only a few short steps running down hill, we are lifting off and floating in the air. Feel the wind in your face, while circling over the Saanenland. Soon you will share our fascination for paragliding and you will realize, that your dream of flying has become reality.
<a href='https://plugin.egutscheine.ch/home?custId=1084&standalone=true' target='_blank'>Gutscheine & Geschenkkarte</a>
<link href='https://api.plugin.egutscheine.ch/egutscheine-embed.css' rel='stylesheet'>
Price: CHF 190.-
Flight time: 10 - 20 mins
Time required: about 1.5 hours
Price: CHF 250.-
Flight time: 40 - 60 mins
Time required: about 2 hours
Price: CHF 30.-
We record and create your personal paragliding video.
flight instructor and tandempilot
flight instructor and tandempilot
flight instructor
Hauptstandort Burgholz:
timetofly.ch AG
Burgholz 41
3753 Oey
Öffnungszeiten Shop:
Mo: Auf Anfrage
Di: TTF-Sonntag
Mi: Auf Anfrage
Do: 16.00-19.00h
Fr-So: Schulung / Auf Anfrage
Weitere Öffnungszeiten im Kalender.
Standort Lenk
Oberriedstrasse 27
3775 Lenk
Öffnungszeiten Lenk
Nach Absprache.